Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry X'mas..

Merry Christmas..!! Merry Chivas..!! This is the Christmas Tree of the year..!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Courtyard / Front House - Terrace House, Sri Tanjung Pinang

An tired working afternoon.. This is what I done. Thank you Mr.Danny & Karen. For giving this opportunity to me for this project.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Red Monster..Small but Strong..

Red Monster.. 點先算是一個 Red Monster..?? 艷紅色 Ferrari Mondena 360..?? 火紅色 Mitsubishi Evo..?? 抑或是改到七彩的紅色 HONDA CIVIC 六代三門版..?? 錯錯錯!!! 今天下午 Mr.Jovi 駕了一輛經典復刻版 Mini Cooper S 來 jogging.. 毫無疑問,我被它深深地吸引佐.. 來看下呢位紅色小霸王啦.. 腦裏浮現一個 spark 出來的 idea.. 不如去舊車大賣場找一架骨格精奇的 mini 來個大變身也唔錯啊.. Red Monster 傳奇待續..

An surprise in the green..

Hi there, let's see how much concentration you can pay when you look into a picture. Just pay attention. What can you see in this picture..? How about now..?? All right. How about now..?? Haha.. Yes! You found it. It is a Chameleon! I was use 1 minute to located it without the tips from my friend. It has two colors: green when it is near to the leaf, brown when it is near to the trunk. I have no idea how many colors it can change. Well.. We will see.. Good day..

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry X'mas..!! / 圣诞节快乐!!

Another 2 weeks, X'mas is just coming right the way!! What is your celebration plan for that night? I think I will go for a BBQ gathering party, or I may go clubbing. How about yours? Wish you guys: Merry Christmas!!!